Organising Adventurous Training

The fundamental information you need to start planning an Adventurous Training expedition or exercise in the Royal Navy.

First Steps

Before any activity takes place, a plan and risk assessment must be completed using a Joint Service Adventurous Training Form Alpha (authorisation form). When completed, this form provides a Commanding officer with all the essential information required to consider and authorise the planned activity providing participants with “on duty” status. 

There are three main types of expedition: Minor, Major and 48 Hour Expeditions.

Expedition Types

Major Expedition

This is any expedition that crosses an international border, or is high risk, remote or large in scale. The planning of a Major Expedition is scrutinised at a Major Expedition Board before being given the permission to commence.

48 Hour Expedition

Activities which are up to 48 hours in duration invariably carry a lower risk and do not cross an international border. Largely overnight expeditions, a 48 hour Authorisation form has to be authorised by the relevant Command.

Equipment and training

All equipment is supplied by either the regional team store or, for more specialist kit requirements, through the MOD Bicester loan pool equipment store via the Authorisation form process.

All Adventurous Training, no matter how complex, requires suitably qualified and experienced military personnel to instruct or lead the activities. Noting the very real risk associated with these types of activities, the risk is managed by the military instructors undergoing activity specific training using the Joint Service Scheme which is open to all.

Finance and qualifications

Adventurous Training is classified as an essential military capability with the Second Sea Lord, making it a Category A mandated requirement. This status also means that funding is available from public and non-public sources.

As a member of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines you have the opportunity to gain qualifications in all disciplines of Adventurous Training through the Joint Service AT Scheme. The Scheme can take you on a pathway from complete novice to leader, and even progress to an instructor level. Whatever your chosen route, the full range of activities and disciplines are available to you for free.